Mobile Broadband
Fast, wireless, ready-to-go WiFi connectivity for your business, anywhere, anytime.
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OptiSIM provides the most extensive mobile coverage in the UK. The service is delivered through a roaming agreement with major UK operators. The special SIM card accesses an alternative network signal, should the primary network be unavailable for any reason, to ensure connectivity.
OptiSIM is available as a Voice, Voice & Data and Data-only solutions.
This service is invaluable whenever a network signal is unavailable. This could be due to temporary network problems, topography, or other obstacles affecting reception.
This service is invaluable whenever a network signal is unavailable. This could be due to temporary network problems, topography, or other obstacles affecting reception. OptiSIM is ideal for any organisation that needs to stay connected 24/7, such as the Emergency Services, Emergency Planners, Utilities and the Security Services.
In the private sector, board members and crisis critical personnel, as well as employees operating in remote locations could benefit significantly from OptiSIM.
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